Welcome to the Seoul American High School Alumni Website
You do not have to have graduated from SAHS to be included. Faculty is also welcome!
Incomplete List
If you attended SAHS, but are not on the classmates list (please check first), you can join here.
Planning a Reunion?
Let us help you get the word out!
If you and/or your fellow classmates are planning a reunion, we can help you find willing helpers and assist in getting the word out.
Are you missing a yearbook?
Check and see if yours has been digitized and uploaded!
American Overseas Schools Historical Society are the archives for schools overseas for military brats and the like. They have many SAHS yearbooks digitized and online at our website, not all, but many. We encourage you to take a look and go through memory lane. This is very good stuff!
Click below to be taken right to the SAHS Yearbooks
Farewell, Fellow Falcons
A spotlight on the closing of our school. Follow the link to read the tribute by by Matt the Military Brat via BLOOM